The Wishing Bowl
Intention Frequency Medicine
Meditation Tool
Why Gift a Wishing Bowl?
A Gift of the Heart
The Wishing Bowl is a powerful act of caring, of showing someone they are truly seen by you and that you want their deepest wish to come true. Each Wishing Bowl is unique in intention and frequency and is energetically customized to connect both the giver and receiver through the heart. A work of energetic art, it was created to help identify and fully embrace wishes in life. Receiving a Wishing Bowl is a memorable experience, a singular gift of healing, love and frequency that will be cherished.
I call The Wishing Bowl Intention Frequency Medicine because it requires intention to activate its embedded frequencies of the sun, moon, flower essences, Light Language and love. And it uses the energetic frequencies as a medicine for the soul of both the giver and recipient, becoming a powerful pathway of love between the two.
Working with the Wishing Bowl is a meditative daily practice of self-awareness and self-love. Each bowl is cleansed in the sun of previous energetic patterns and charged in the full moon. It is then anointed with a particular flower essence and imbued with Light Language. Light Language is a channeled toning and sound activation that transmits specific frequencies and information to the owner of the bowl. It becomes part of the energetic medicine of every bowl.
The creation of the Wishing Bowl emerged from the intention to support people through their awakening process and to energetically connect two people. It is an Intention Frequency Medicine Meditation tool to be gifted to someone special, loved and seeking guidance and self-awareness.
The December 2024 Wishing Bowl
Self-Reflection, Renewal, Emergence
Sacred Datura
The December 2024 Wishing Bowl has been charged in the December 15th Gemini Cold full moon, bringing with it a rare energy — a cosmic reset creating a powerful portal for personal and spiritual renewal. The energy of this full moon, embedded in December’s Wishing Bowl, asks that you reflect, honor your achievements, and create new intentions for 2025. It symbolizes a quiet but powerful time for healing and introspection. With Gemini’s influence, you may feel a strong urge to communicate, to be curious and creative. This Wishing Bowl will be powerful in embracing new perspectives, challenging self-limiting beliefs, and releasing emotional baggage, revealing what is beneath the surface brimming with life and potential. Something new is waiting to emerge within.
The December Wishing Bowls were anointed with Sacred Datura flower essence. Sacred Datura is a beautiful and persuasive plant that helps us release mental, emotional, and physical toxins. It magnifies strength, wisdom, and creative solutions, and sees beyond our present reality. Sacred Datura dissolves illusions, guiding us out of denial and limiting beliefs so that we can experience a greater point of view.
This December Wishing Bowl is for those who possess a quiet magic and timeless wisdom. It asks what is beneath the surface, brimming with life and potential, waiting to emerge in 2025?